
Jonghong Park is an artist and designer based in Bremen. His work focuses on discovering, researching, and revealing inherent relational algorithms from nature, mundane artifacts, technical objects, and human behaviors, and exploring new media and digital technologies. He has worked as a designer in several studios in Seoul and is currently studying digital media at the University of the Arts Bremen in Germany.

Email: jonghong83@gmail.com

[Arshake] VIDEO POST > Vague Boundaries | [CreativeApplicationsNet] Vague Boundaries – Particles, lines, and waves. by Filip Visnjic | [CreativeApplicationsNet] Catastrophic Combinations – Recursion, Contingency and Failure. by Filip Visnjic | [New Media Caucus] Judson-Morrissey Excellence in New Media Award 2021 | [Mapping Festival 2051] Geneva, CH. 2021 | [European Media Arts Festival No. 32] Osnabrück, DE. 2019 | [CLOT Magazine] JONGHONG PARK, creation by observation. by Lidia Ratoi | [CreativeApplicationsNet] Bit - the demise of chance and the rise of algorithm. by Filip Visnjic | [Neural Magazine #62] Bit, (un)predictable systems | [Domus] Two kinetic installations reveal the soul of the machines. by Salvatore Peluso | [Hackaday] ‘Bit’ installation combines art, Markov chains by Lewin Day | [Hackaday] The battle between robot harmonica and machine finger rages on. by Lewin Day | [ArduinoBlog] Bit clicks away to illustrate complex interrelationships | [DesignTellers] The search for the soul in two MEKA installations in Jonghong Park
Jonghong Park

Catastrophic Combinations

Installation, 2022

Catastrophic Combinations facilitates a recursive bonding between a balloon and adhesive tape. Balloon and adhesive tape mounted on the machine become a part of the system and serve as critical components to combine and interact with each differential and repetitive movement. This configuration establishes a recursive complementary relationship in which each influences each other and the influence is reflected itself, and it constantly causes unpredictable deformations of the combination of balloon and adhesive tape. Therefore, this machine is also an attempt to define and prove contingency by deliberately revealing mechanical faults that occur recursively.

Recursivity is not mere mechanical repetition; it is characterized by the looping movement of returning to itself in order to determine itself, while every movement is open to contingency, which in turn determines its singularity .... Every difference is a differing, deferring in time and a being differed in space, a new creation. Every reflective movement leaves a trace like a road mark; every trace presents a questioning, to which the answer can be addressed only by the movement in its totality.

- Yuk Hui, Recursivity and Contingency, 2019

This combination is a series of interactions between 1) the repeated pressure of the air and the elasticity of the balloon, 2) the repeated rotational movement of the balloon and the vertical movement of the tape, and 3) the elasticity of the balloon and the adhesiveness of the tape. These actions are internal/external reactions/actions of various forces induced at the connection point between the balloon and the adhesive tape. Hence, they both act as matter(hyle) and form(eidos) to each other simultaneously. The motors each move only periodically by the iterative conditional algorithm, but they are connected by the combination of these two objects and placed in a recursive function or recursive algorithm. 

            combination(size_balloon, position_tape) {
                balloon(position_tape) {
                    elasticity = airPressure + rotation_speed; 
                    return balloon(position_tape + elasticity);
                tape(size_balloon) {
                    adhesiveness = balloonElasticity + rotation_speed;
                    return tape(size_balloon + adhesiveness);

                    return combination(size_balloon + tape), combination(position_tape + balloon);

simulation - accumulating pattern of linear motion and rotational motion

The elasticity and rotational motion of the balloon determine the next path of the adhesive tape, and the adhesive strength and vertical movement of the adhesive tape determine the shape of the balloon. The balloon-tape combination defines its shape under the internal/external pressure of the adhesive tape and air. This is a process of recursive accumulation of interlocking complexes, which repeats the creation of unpredictable shapes and wrinkles. 

This unstable bond between the balloon and the adhesive tape causes an 'error' in the recursive system, referred to as a mechanical failure. The error caused by the balloon is reflected in the tape, and the error caused by the tape is reflected in the balloon, so that the balloon-tape collaboration forms itself recursively, breaking away from mechanical repetition. Thus, the contingency or error caused in the system is translated into a variable of the recursive function that constantly reflects its changes to itself.

The notion of relation already includes the notion of recursion. Coincidence arises from the dissonance in a relationship. The consequences of a phenomenon or event, defined as coincidence, are recursive accumulating results of the dissonance that reveals new changes.


Dimensions: 1.9m x 1.2m x 0.5m
Materials: balloons, adhesive tapes, dc motor, step motor, air pump, 3d printed PLA, edelstahl and metal pipes, custom software, three arduino nanos.


[CreativeApplicationsNet] Catastrophic Combinations – Recursion, Contingency and Failure. by Filip Visnjic

Developed at the University of the Arts Bremen
Supported by Der Senator für Kultur Bremen